Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2 Month Update Picture

I did my duathlon this weekend and ended up about 2 minutes faster than last year with very limited bike training. I would say that I am in similar shape to last year at this time, about as good as I've been in my life, but the thing that helped me was to know when to push it on the bike. My bike ended up being a bit faster and the runs being a little slower than last time. Results (Finished 75th out of 168, 1:44:05 on a 2.5 mile run, 17.65 mile bike, 2.5 mile run  ~1600-1700 calories burned)

So for the two month update; I've been following my plan pretty much as I've described. I lost 8 lbs. in the 2 months and have gained strength and muscle mass, dropping my body fat percentage pretty significantly. So here's the before/after pictures through what would be 1 cycle of "Insanity:"


After 2 months:

As you can see, certainly more defined serratus anterior (over the ribs) and obliques (high hips). My shoulders are definitely more defined as well. I'm feeling good, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon; I guess we'll see where we go from here.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Workout that Has Actually Gone On with Details

 Ever since I joined the Y, I have had a pretty standard plan that I have stuck to.

Workout plan:
  • 5 days of gym-work (~1 hr. per day, Sun.-Thurs.)
    • Sunday: Legs (Squat, Leg press, Kettle-bell)
    • Monday: Biceps, Chest, and Back (Bench/Incline-Decline, Preacher/Alternating Curls)
    • Tuesday: Triceps, Shoulders and Back (Dips, Military press, etc.)
    • Wednesday: Legs (Kettle-bell, more all-around)
    • Thursday: Little bit of everything
  • Core/Abs everyday
  • Saturdays: General Cardio (Biking/Soccer/etc.) or gym session
Typical Day:
  • Run a mile
  • 1 minute sprint on bike
  • Straight into first strength rep
    • 3-4 sets of 10, good weight but not max
    • Do other exercises while on break (push-ups, pull-ups, keep moving/heart rate
  • 3-5 minutes of medium resistance on bike
  • Next strength set using same formula
  • 3-5 more minutes on bike or treadmill
  • Core work out:
    • 1 minute plank on elbows (standard), 10 second rest
    • 10 sec. standard plank, 10 sec. left foot/right arm extended, 10 sec. standard, 10 sec. right foot/left arm, 10 sec. standard, 10 sec. elbows extended out to forehead level, 10 sec. standard
    • 30-40 sec. each of left/right side plank
    • 30 crunches
    • 30 each right/left side curls
    • 20 sec. 6-inches
  • 1 minute sprint on bike
  • 1/4-1/2 mile cool-down jog
  • Stretch
Sometimes might throw in an extra strength workout in there and try to keep a maximum of 30 seconds between stations, always keeping moving.

I know I skipped a month but everything's going okay still. Hopefully finally get some mid-way pictures this week, there have definitely been some changes in body composition along with the 8 lb. loss (down to 156). Also I am doing the same duathlon that I did last year, this Saturday. Haven't really been training specifically for it, mostly just looking for the challenge and we'll see how it goes.